Tuesday 3 March 2009

Mostlywanted updated

Just a quick note to say that i have finally got mostlywanted updated with the new work ive been plugging away with, the old work in book three has been resigned to the archives and some of the other works from the other 2 books have also been removed. Hopefully the trimmed down portfolios feel a little less heavy, theres also the inclusion of a new showcase section which i have used to pull out some of the works from the portfolios and use it to give a shorter overview of the different books. Anyway, enough rambling, go have a look if you have a few mins to spare!

Visit the Showcase Section
Visit Portfolio Book Three


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom, always an inspiration around the next image... couldn't do me a favour though and put a hyperlink from the blog article to the galleries pages could you?

Tom Bagshaw said...

No problem tony, post just updated.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom,

Ok you make me want to stop doing illustration now.

Super stupendous works.